المهام الأدائية ساينس خامسة ابتدائي

يبحث طلاب وأولياء المدارس التجريبية ومدارس اللغات عن أسئلة المهام الأدائية ساينس خامسة ابتدائي، وفي هذا المقال نستعرض أهم الأسئلة كما نشرتها وزارة التربية والتعليم.


أسئلة المهمة الأولى من المهام الأدائية ساينس خامسة ابتدائي

Model (1)
Owls in food chains:
Owls have some environmental adaptations that enable them to easily capture prey and obtain food.
Answer the following.
• From structural adaptation in owls…… a- Strong sense of sight b- weak sense of sight …..part of the food chains.
• The owl is found in the… a-lower b- higher
• The owls are from……. . in the food chains. a-producers b- consumers
• Create a food chain containing owls and include at least four organisms of different species.


أسئلة المهمة الثانية من المهام الأدائية ساينس خامسة ابتدائي

Model (2)
The effect of climate change on the ecosystems:
Global warming is one of the phenomena that pose a threat to the manifestations of life on the surface of the earth and cause severe climatic changes such as droughts and floods, which threaten life in many ecosystems.
Answer the following:
• The gas, which responsible for the global warming İS…..
a-oxygen b- carbon dioxide gas
• The melting of ice leads to a rise in sea and ocean levels, and this is an example of the …..change
a-physical b-chemical
• It is a non-living element in the ecosystem that is not considered a basic need for plant seed germination.
a-soil b-air
• In your opinion, how droughts lead to the destruction of food chains in the ecosystem?

أسئلة المهمة الثالثة المهام الأدائية ساينس خامسة ابتدائي

Model (3)
From article of Al-Ahram newspaper;
Hydroponics saves 59 % of irrigation water and challenges pests without pesticides.
In Egypt, during the past few years, the idea of hydroponics or farming without soil has spread on a limited scale in many cities in the governorates.
Probably, many do not know that cultivation without soil is one of the hydroponics systems for the production of leafy vegetables free of diseases and pesticides.
It means that Cultivation of plants in agricultural media where soil is not one of its components, and it was fed using a special solution that contains the nutrients necessary for plant growth.
Answer the following:
• Hydroponics is one of the modern methods of agriculture and direct evidence that the soil is one of the….
a- Basic needs of a plant. b- Non-basic needs of the plant.
• The plant gets….. from soil.
a-carbon dioxide gas b-water and nutrients
• What is the importance of the oxygen gas that is produced by photosynthesis process, which is carried out by the plant to make its own food?

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